preparing for spring

New Moon Blessings, friend!

The long winter’s rest is coming to an end. As we adjust to yesterday’s time change (for those of us living in Daylight Saving zones), the shifting light and later sunset pulls us forward into being more externally focused. Can you feel that? 

We are now heading toward the vernal equinox which will be the tipping point into longer days and the activities of spring.

Our daffodils bloomed almost a month ago, an early foreshadowing of the coming of spring. Now just one blossom remains. The birch trees in our yard stand stark and without buds. I feel a little the same way. I know that a busier season is nearly here, but I am not quite ready to step out just yet. How about you? 

Last evening while I was preparing this message to you, our power went out yet again for nearly 10 hours. So, my halting approach to the changing season seems to be in line with the energetic flow.

Fortunately, the new moon which formed in the wee hours yesterday morning (March 10) allows us another moment to take a deep breath and look within. Grant yourself the space to slow down, to unplug, and to listen with your heart as you reflect on your dreams and soul’s desires.

My favorite astrologer, Stephanie Austin, says that this new moon in Pisces helps us to remember that we are sovereign, spiritual beings. That we are not separate. That all life is sacred and interconnected. So, this is an especially powerful time for remembering our divinity, reconnecting with our destiny and recognizing our next steps.

Leaning into these reflections will prepare us perfectly for the cosmic shift which will occur at the spring equinox on March 19. For 72 hours around the equinox, the Sun’s alignment with the Earth’s equator reduces the magnetic field. This temporary shift in the Earth’s magnetic field allows a greater influx of cosmic rays, affecting our DNA, nervous system, and consciousness.

By working to release unproductive patterns, dismantle outdated beliefs, and clear old wounds during the equinox, we can best take advantage of the effects of these higher cosmic frequencies. The more we disengage from the old paradigm based on fear and separation, the more we experience the reality of love and interconnectedness.

Join us in sacred circle as we meditate and journey, release what no longer serves us, and celebrate the coming of spring at the Spring Equinox Ceremony ~ Native Flute Meditation and Shamanic Journey on ZOOM on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 from 5:00-6:30 p.m.

Suggested donation of $25-$45 accepted in the spirit of sacred reciprocity. 

Gather in virtual sacred circle to celebrate the Spring Equinox (in the Northern hemisphere) and to allow the high frequencies of this celestial alignment to upgrade our DNA and nervous system.

Let go of everyday concerns and rest in peaceful meditation to the soothing sounds of Native American Flute music played live.

Journey with the drum to the unseen realms to connect with compassionate guardian spirits for guidance and healing through direct revelation.

I have missed you since we last gathered on ZOOM at Winter Solstice. So, I am excited to reconnect with you to celebrate the equinox together!

Hugs and blessings,


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Questions? Contact me 1-650-703-0707