going within

Hello sweet friend!

Today, we honor the new moon and appreciate yet another opportunity to look within. May the quiet darkness of the night sky during the new moon allow for the most subtle yearnings of your soul to be heard. And may you have the courage to nurture your innermost callings until they manifest in your life with the support of Spirit. 

Another summer has come and gone. At the recent Autumnal Equinox, we sought to restore our equilibrium for a moment before surrendering to the urge to let go and begin to move inward. If you missed our Fall Equinox Ceremony, I invite you to be inspired by this lovely 3-minute meditation to embrace the season with the beauty of nature, music and uplifting words.
At this turning point in the year, Spirit is guiding me to take a break from leading sacred circle ceremonies. During the past 3 years and 3 months, I have facilitated 65 ceremonies both in-person and online. More than 800 of you have shared this sacred space at least once or many times, including one person who attended 35 of our online circles! You joined us from across the United States and around the world.
Map of Ceremony Attendees from June 2019 thru September 2022
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your presence and sharing, for the honor of holding space for you, and for the opportunity to facilitate these intimate spiritual experiences for all of us. I am also grateful for your generosity which has allowed me to donate a significant sum to Lakota People's Law Project so far.
During this much-needed break, I look forward to taking the time to rebalance myself and to refocus on my own journey practice; to be inspired with fresh perspectives and creative ideas. Where Spirit is guiding me next, I do not know. But I trust that my profound connection with my compassionate helping spirits, my shamanic training, musicianship and spiritual growth will be put to the highest possible use in service to people and the planet.
I am well-trained in the core shamanic healing methods of soul retrieval, power animal retrieval, extraction, divination for spiritual guidance and psychopomp. Most of these skills are not appropriate to use in the context of our public ceremonies, but they are invaluable when working one-on-one in shamanic sessions. Please reach out if you would like a private session with me. This powerful work is effective both in-person and from a distance.

I will be in touch as the next pathway unfolds and new spiritual offerings emerge. May our hearts stay connected until we meet again. 

Hugs and infinite blessings,



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Questions? Contact me at (650) 703-0707