I wanna hold your hand...

Hi, friend!

Holding hands in a circle is a universal act of coming together in community. This is a basic human need. We crave community, especially after the past nineteen months of disruption to our normal social connections. The question is - Are we truly ready to come together again?

Our upcoming Full Moon Ceremony was meant to be an opportunity to meet in-person in our sacred circle. Yet once again, our plans to be together have been thwarted. This time, the reason is because our indoor venue is without heat at the moment. But from a spiritual perspective, what else may actually be in our way?

“As Within, So Without” is considered to be a universal truth or law that teaches us that the outside world is a reflection of our inner state of being. What we hold in our mind and heart has a ripple effect in our life and the lives of others. What thoughts and feelings are we harboring right now that may be in the way of our coming together to rebuild the companionship, trust, and physical connection that we need from our community?

In shamanism, the full moon is the time to release that which no longer serves us. Next week, we will gather together via ZOOM to do the spiritual work which can unburden our hearts and minds of the isolating patterns we have developed, creating the space and healing necessary for us to truly move forward as a loving, supportive (hand-holding!) community.

Join us for the Full Moon Ceremony ~ Native Flute Meditation and Drum Journey on ZOOM next Wednesday, October 20, 2021 from 5:30-7:30 pm.

Donations are accepted in the spirit of sacred reciprocity. Your gift will be shared with the Lakota People’s Law Project to assist indigenous communities.

Gather in sacred circle as the reflected light of the full moon illuminates our inner and outer worlds so that we may release that which no longer serves us.

Let go of everyday concerns and rest in peaceful meditation to the soothing sounds of Native American Flute music played live.

Journey with the drum to the unseen realms to connect with compassionate guardian spirits for guidance and healing through direct revelation.

To protect our sacred space, only those who have signed up will be admitted.

I am the kind of person who likes to spend a lot of time alone. And even I am craving community right now. I miss you!

Hugs and blessings,


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Questions? Contact me at (650) 703-0707