sacred healing songs

Hi, friend!

For thousands of years, the Shipibo-Conibo people of the Amazon jungle have relied upon sacred healing songs known as icaros. These songs are sung by the shaman to direct the healing powers of the plant spirits used during a plant medicine ceremony. 

The icaro is a conduit for sound frequencies corresponding to the geometric patterns of creation. These resonant frequencies permeate the body of the shaman’s patient restoring harmony and balance and thus good health. Today, the field of bio-acoustic sound medicine is proving this to be so!

In this new video, you will hear my arrangement of an icaro often sung or played during plant medicine ceremonies.

"Ayahuasca Yari" by José Campos, arranged by Sonya Jason for Native American Flute
By using the natural, harmonic sounds of voice and acoustic instruments with intention, icaros can call the healing properties of the plants without needing to have the plants physically administered. You, too, can benefit from the healing power of these sacred songs in a ceremonial setting during the Native Flute Meditation at our spiritual gatherings.

If you have not yet registered, I invite you to join us for our Full Moon Ceremony ~ Native Flute Meditation and Drum Journey on ZOOM this Sunday, August 22, 2021 from 4-6 p.m.

Donations are accepted in the spirit of sacred reciprocity. Your gift will be shared with the Lakota People’s Law Project to assist indigenous communities.

Gather in sacred circle as the reflected light of the full moon illuminates our inner and outer worlds so that we may release that which no longer serves us.

Let go of everyday concerns and rest in peaceful meditation to the soothing sounds of Native American Flute music played live.

Journey with the drum to the unseen realms to connect with compassionate guardian spirits for guidance and healing through direct revelation.

To protect our sacred space, only those who have signed up will be admitted.

The all-encompassing power of music continues to astound me!

Hugs and blessings,


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Questions? Contact me at (650) 703-0707