remembering our loved ones

Hello my friend,

This weekend, we celebrate Halloween on the Blue Moon (second full moon of the month.) But doesn’t it seem like Halloween came early this year? After all, we have been wearing masks and eating candy for 8 months!

Actually, this holiday has spiritual significance around the world in various cultures but for a very similar reason - to honor the dead. At this midway point between the equinox and the solstice, it is said that the veil between worlds is thin. Intuition seems stronger, and people may feel a more palpable connection with loved ones who have passed. So, this is a time to celebrate and remember the lives of those who have died and to honor our ancestors.

Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is celebrated in Mexico
During our Full Moon Ceremony on Halloween, we will explore the spiritual customs of All Hallows’ Eve, Samhain and Dia de los Muertos. We will honor our ancestors with prayer. Then together, we will emanate love and light to uplift those souls who have passed, to protect the innocent ones and to raise the vibration for all sentient beings.

Join us for the Full Moon Ceremony ~ Native Flute Meditation and Drum Journey on ZOOM this Saturday, October 31, 2020 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Be sure to register soon to get the ZOOM link.

Gather in virtual Sacred Circle under the full moon to honor our ancestors, and to emanate light and love to raise the vibration.

Let go of everyday concerns and rest in peaceful meditation to the soothing sounds of Native American Flute music played live.

Journey with the drum to the unseen realms to connect with compassionate guardian spirits for healing and guidance through direct revelation.

To protect our sacred space, only those who have signed up will be admitted. 

Happy Halloween!

Hugs and blessings,


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Questions? Contact me 1-650-703-0707