nurture your soul

Hello my friend,

Focusing on our spiritual work can be such a wonderful relief from the drama of daily life. Yet, we mustn’t become so heavenly that we are no earthly good. Taking actions in the real world in ways that are in line with our spiritual insights and guidance keeps us grounded. And working toward manifesting our vision of a new earth is a powerful way to live.

As spiritual warriors, it is also important to take good care of our well-being; to eat nutritious foods and move our body (dance!); to fill our mind with gratitude and positivity; to be loving with ourselves; to deeply appreciate the beauty all around us.

Join me as we bathe in beauty to refresh our spirits at the New Moon Ceremony ~ Native Flute Meditation and Drum Journey next Friday, October 16, 2020 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Donations accepted in the spirit of sacred reciprocity.
Together, we bathe in the beauty of this world to refresh our spirit and nurture our soul.

Gather in virtual Sacred Circle at dusk, when the veils between worlds are thinnest, to embrace the new moon with reflection, renewal and seeding new intentions.

Let go of everyday concerns and rest in peaceful meditation to the soothing sounds of Native American Flute music played live.

Journey with the drum to the unseen realms to connect with compassionate guardian spirits for healing and guidance through direct revelation.

To protect our sacred space, only those who have signed up will be admitted. 

Relax and breathe...

Hugs and blessings,


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Questions? Contact me 1-650-703-0707