Playing flute at the Temple of Kukulkan at sunrise, Chichen Itza, Mexico 3/11/20.

finding peace in the present

Hello my friend,

My vacation in Mexico in early March was blissful. No talk of viruses or concern with social distancing. But when I returned home to northern California, everything had changed. Within a few days, we were all sheltering in place, washing our hands frequently and staying 6 feet apart.

Ironically for me, this isolation has made my usual monk-like life LESS isolated, with less quiet time and less space to myself. My executive spouse now working from home spends long hours on the phone when I used to hear only silence or music. The tranquil coastal bluff trail where I walk daily while singing to nature spirits and speaking aloud my gratitude prayers is now busy with many other folks out exercising or escaping their confines.

Pillar Point Bluff in Moss Beach, California. Photo by Stacy Sabol.
This is a big adjustment for all of us, isn't it? So, how are you doing? Those of us who gravitate toward spirituality are probably handling it better than most right now. We love to have the time and space to look within, to meditate, to connect with Spirit. I hope that you have been able to relax into this present moment and take good care of your own well-being, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
To help you feel more peaceful during this time of turmoil, I would like to share a little video of my Native American Flute playing. During our stay in Cancun, I was delighted to find that our hotel had a beautiful atrium right outside of our room. With all of the plants and vines hanging down, the space evoked the feeling of a sacred cenote - a freshwater sinkhole common in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico. 

The space was so enchanting and the acoustics so live that I could not resist playing some melodies here on my little travel Native American style flute. The energy of the plants surrounding me was vibrant! I think they loved the meditative sounds, too.

Playing flute in the hotel atrium in Cancun, Mexico 3/11/20.
This is my snapshot of the Ik Kil cenote in Chichen Itza. The tiny dots behind the vines are people going for a swim. Our planet is so incredible!
I miss being in sacred circle with you. The March 23rd New Moon Ceremony was canceled. My Native American Flute Garden Concert scheduled for April 12 has been postponed. The next New Moon Ceremony coming up on Thursday, April 23 is on hold until I find out if we will be free to gather together in person.

The good news is that Spirit works outside of time and space, so distance is not necessarily an issue. I can use technology to help support you during this time. I am available for Zoom or FaceTime Shamanic Counseling Sessions designed specifically for your needs. The session may include ceremony, prayer, meditation, native flute music medicine, drumming, journey coaching, divination and power animal retrieval. A sliding scale applies during the coronavirus pandemic.

I am here for you. Let me know how I can help you navigate this unique moment. Meanwhile, stay calm and well.

Hugs and blessings,


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Questions? Contact me 1-650-703-0707