Spirit Tribe Music ~ Sonya Jason

reflect and recreate yourself

Hello my friend,

At Winter Solstice, the North Pole is tilted furthest away from the sun. This is the shortest day and longest night of the year for the northern hemisphere, and it signals a powerful transition point between seasons.

The Winter Solstice is a time of quiet energy; an opportunity for resting and dreaming. This is the perfect time to look within, focus on what we want and need, and to make changes within ourselves.

Winter Solstice at Stonehenge
Winter Solstice is also a celebration of the returning Light or the "rebirth of the Sun", for now the days begin to grow gradually longer. Let's gather in Sacred Circle to celebrate together as cultures all over the world have done for thousands of years ~ with drumming, singing and connecting with Spirit!
Join our candlelight Winter Solstice Ceremony ~ Native Flute Meditation and Drum Journey coming up on Saturday, December 21 from 4~6 p.m. at Joy of Being sacred temple space in Moss Beach, California. Space is limited, so please purchase your ticket in advance.

Winter Solstice Ceremony

Native Flute Meditation and Drum Journey

Saturday, December 21, 2019 from 4 ~ 6 p.m.

Gather in Sacred Circle to honor the Winter Solstice, to embrace the stillness of the longest night of the year and to welcome the returning light with drumming, singing, candlelight and celebration.

Let go of everyday concerns and rest in peaceful meditation to the soothing sounds of Native American Flute music played live.

Journey with the drum to the unseen realms to connect with compassionate guardian spirits for healing and guidancethrough direct revelation. 

Do you have friends or family that might be excited to join us? Please forward this invitation to anyone you wish.

Love to stay in touch via Facebook? You may wish to 'Like" the Spirit Tribe Music Facebook Page that will inspire your soul and keep you informed about upcoming events.

My sincere intention is for the events that I offer to be powerful, moving, healing and insightful for you; masterfully empowering your innate connection with Spirit for guidance and healing through direct revelation. And to create a loving, supportive community with you!

Hugs and Blessings,


FacebookYouTubeSonya Jason Music
Questions? Contact me 1-650-703-0707