dancing with Spirit

Hello my friend,

The raging fires and conflicts in the Amazon Rainforest are an overwhelming worry for me right now. I am quite distracted by the reality that the "lungs of our planet" are being destroyed at an alarming rate. These words by Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson made my hair stand on end:

"The Amazon burning is a reminder of humanity’s pathological irreverence toward the earth, a self-destructive dysfunction from which we will heal or possibly not even survive as a species. This is more than a climate crisis; it is a survival crisis and it should be seen as such. Our ability to take in both the horror of what is happening environmentally, as well as summon up the courage to do something about it, will define the most critical moment in humanity’s history: whether we choose to continue the journey of evolution, or rather through our own selfishness and greed and recklessness elect to end it."

An indigenous Paiter Surui boy in Brazil, photo from Rainforest Rescue
Conscious, spiritual people like us feel compelled to do something(!) and yet we may be overwhelmed by that at the same moment. In times like these, I find that taking my worries and concerns to Spirit is the most important first step. So, I invite you to join me at the upcoming New Moon Ceremony where we will dance our prayer for the Amazon along with our spirit guardians, spirit teachers and spirit healers that we call upon to work with us in our Sacred Circle.

Then, with the help of the Spirit of Water, we will dissolve our persistent worries, opening a space in our hearts to fill with peace, profound love, and our highest intentions for our own lives, the lives of all sentient beings, and the well-being of our beautiful planet.

Photo by Tamara Trejo of Moon Mothers Nursery & Garden Shop
Meanwhile, the seeds of our intentions planted at the last New Moon Ceremony on July 31 are sprouting! Thanks so much to Tamara Trejo, our wonderful host at Moon Mothers Nursery & Garden Shop, for nurturing our seedlings with tender loving care. Are you noticing the seeds of your intentions beginning to manifest in your own life? Please share!
We still have a few spaces left for our next New Moon Ceremony on Friday, August 30, 2019 from 6~8 p.m. Begin your relaxing Labor Day Weekend with a truly peaceful state of mind and an open heart! 

New Moon Ceremony

Native Flute Meditation and Drum Journey

Friday, August 30, 2019 6~8 p.m.

Gather in Sacred Circle at dusk, when the veils between worlds are thinnest, to embrace the new moon with reflection, renewal and seeding new intentions.

Let go of everyday concerns and rest in peaceful meditation to the soothing sounds of Native American Flute music played live.

Journey with the drum to the unseen realms to connect with compassionate guardian spirits for healing and guidance through direct revelation. 

Do you have friends or family that might be excited to join us? Please forward this invitation to anyone you wish.

Love to stay in touch via Facebook? You may wish to 'Like" the Spirit Tribe Music Facebook Page that will inspire your soul and keep you informed about upcoming events.

My sincere intention is for the events that I offer to be powerful, moving, healing and insightful for you; masterfully empowering your innate connection with Spirit for guidance and healing through direct revelation. And to create a loving, supportive community with you!

Hugs and Blessings,


Questions? Contact me 1-650-703-0707